September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

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Switzerland is going to use suicide pod; press the button and you will die

Although euthanasia may not have legal status in India, many countries of the world allow euthanasia to people suffering from serious diseases. One of these countries, Switzerland, is going to use such pods for the first time in the world, in which death will occur by pressing a button after lying down. There will be no need to undergo any kind of medical procedure to commit suicide.

This capsule named Sarco was first unveiled in 2019 and it gives an easy option for euthanasia. After pressing the button, this capsule removes the oxygen present inside and replaces it with nitrogen, which kills the person inside. The cost of using it is around 20 dollars (about Rs 1,700).

Will start being used in Switzerland

There should be no legal hurdles in starting the use of this capsule in Switzerland. Let us tell you that in Switzerland, if a person harms himself, he gets the legal permission for assisted suicide. The new capsule will prove useful for such people.

The reaction to suicide will be something like this

First of all, the person who goes inside this suicide pod is asked what is his name, where do you live and then he is asked why are you taking this step. This is the time when the person gets a chance to think about himself again. After this, when the person presses the button, the oxygen present in the air will decrease from 21% to 0.05% in the next 30 seconds and in the next 3 to 4 minutes the person will fall asleep forever. The group has also told that once the person presses the button, he does not have any other option.

Let us tell you that there is no legal restriction on the use of suicide pod in Switzerland. According to a Swiss organization called The Last Resort, the law here allows people to die in this way.