In Jharkhand’s Seraikela-Kharsawan district, the younger son of a studio owner’s first wife has been arrested after he was found to be the conspirator of the murder by shooting. Apart from son Rakesh Gorai, who allegedly neglected his father’s first wife and her children, two contract killers have also been arrested. On the morning of January 13, Dilip Gorai (60) was shot dead by two motorcycle-borne assailants inside his studio in the busy market of Chandil.
Chandil sub-divisional police officer Arvind Kumar Binha said that Rakesh was a well-behaved person in the area and earned his livelihood by selling fish in the market to take care of his ailing mother. Her husband had allegedly neglected her mother.
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Binha told that Rakesh’s brother had died in a road accident about a year ago and he alone had to spend a lot of money on his mother’s treatment. His mother was a heart patient.
The SDPO said, “He was not getting any financial help from his father, whose four children from his second wife were living a good life and were studying medicine and engineering. One son used to work in the railways.”
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Contract killer called for Rs 65,000
Binha told that Rakesh, angry with his father’s behavior towards his mother and her two children, hired a contract killer for Rs 65,000. On the morning of 13 January, two assassins entered the studio and shot Dilip Gorai dead. Doctors declared him dead at Tata Main Hospital in Jamshedpur.