Neeraj Chopra Got Married: India’s star javelin thrower and Olympic gold winner Neeraj Chopra is now married. He announced this through his social media handle on Sunday. While sharing her wedding photos on Instagram, she wrote – ‘Starting a new chapter of life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us together in this moment. At the end of the post, Neeraj wrote his and Himani’s name and also put a heart emoji in the middle.
Who are Neeraj’s brides?
Let us tell you that Neeraj Chopra’s wife Himani Mor is a resident of Sonipat and a professional tennis player. However, no information has been revealed yet on how the two met. Information about whether Neeraj Chopra’s marriage is a love marriage or an arranged marriage has not been revealed. This has also not been mentioned from their side. He has just informed the fans about the new innings of his life. Fans are congratulating them on their marriage and are very happy too.
Neeraj is one of the best athletes of India
Neeraj Chopra is one of the best athletes of India. He is the fourth Indian player to win two medals in the Olympics after independence. Apart from them, PV Sindhu, Sushil Kumar and Manu Bhakar have also won two medals in the Olympics. He has also won gold for India in Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and World Championship.
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