Lok Sabha Election 2024. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a public meeting in Gajraula, Amroha today. Voting is to be held on this seat in the second phase. CM Yogi will also be present along with the PM.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and CM Yogi will hold a public meeting on the highway side in Gajraula. A 100 meter long and 68 meter wide pandal has been made for the public meeting on the highway side. Considering the heat, its height has also been kept quite high. Arrangements have been made for more than 25 thousand people to reach the public meeting venue.
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A total of 90 bighas of land has been used from the public meeting venue to the helipad. Of these, pandals have been set up in about 60 bighas. Safe houses have been prepared in the remaining space. Four helipads have been built in the remaining parts.
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