September 22, 2024

The World Opinion

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In Pratapgarh, PM Modi attacked the opposition, said- They will again go to Pakistan with roses and fly pigeons…

Pratapgarh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Pratapgarh today. Where the Prime Minister addressed a public meeting in GIC grounds in support of BJP candidate Sangam Lal Gupta. During this, he fiercely targeted Congress and India alliance. Besides, Pakistan has also been taken to task. While addressing the people of the district, the Prime Minister said that Pratapgarh itself has Pratap in its name. This is the land of heroes and sacrifices and today the whole world is seeing the glory of our India, today the voice of India is ringing in the whole world.

While addressing the public meeting, PM Narendra Modi said that what was not impossible 10 years ago has become possible today. How? How did all this change happen? This change, this success is not because of Modi, it has happened because of your one vote. It is the power of your vote that today India’s voice is ringing in the world. PM Modi said in the public meeting that the INDI alliance is comprised of the same people who question the bravery of the army. What is their agenda? They are saying that they will impose Article 370 again in Kashmir. They will cancel the CAA law made by Modi. They will again go to Pakistan with roses and fly pigeons and hence you need to be cautious of SP-Congress.

The Prime Minister said that the people of INDI alliance had left power after making the country miserable. Before 2014, they had ruined the country, there was loot in every area. The country was immersed in despair. In 2014, when you gave us a chance to serve, first of all our efforts were devoted to filling these potholes and taking the country out of ruin. What kind of people were these? When the country became independent, we were the number 6 economy in the world. These people ran the country in such a way that we went from 6 to 11. Today we have brought the country’s economy to number 5 in the world.

Read this also – Raebareli Lok Sabha Election: Congress used all its strength to save the traditional seat Raebareli, tough competition between Rahul Gandhi and Dinesh Pratap Singh.

What was impossible earlier has become possible today. This change, this success has happened not because of Modi but because of your one vote, this is the power of your vote. That’s why today the whole country is saying – the third term of this government will be more powerful. He said that they want to remove the stable NDA government, but their (Indi Alliance) formula for running the government is – a new PM every year. They want that those who join Bhanumati’s clan should get equal opportunity to loot. Is this acceptable to you?

You need to be cautious of SP-Congress. The people of Indi alliance had left the power after leaving the country in a bad state. Before 2014, they had ruined the country, there was loot in every area, the country was immersed in despair. He said that the Congress party has made a mockery of the country’s development. SP and Congress say that the country’s development will happen automatically, what is the need to work hard? There are only two sides to the mentality of SP-Congress. One says that it will happen automatically and the other says what will happen? Congress ruled the country for 60 years. Samajwadi Party was in government for years and the situation was such that 85 percent of the houses in the country did not have tap water. We worked to provide drinking water to 14 crore families. On this also SP-Congress say what will happen from this?

The people of Rae Bareli will send the prince home knocking

These princes neither have the habit of working hard nor of getting results… That is why they say that the development of the country will happen on its own… The development of the country will be slow. They think that India will become self-reliant on its own and when asked, they say – knock…knock. They say that we will remove poverty from India – knock…knock. But now they should know that the people of Rae Bareli will also send a knock… a knock. Went from Amethi and now he will also go from Rae Bareli. Running the country is not a game for children born with a golden spoon.

The prince will definitely go abroad during the summer holidays.

Whether the princes are from Lucknow or Delhi… they will go abroad on summer vacations – knock… knock. And I guarantee that I will work day and night to serve you. My every moment is in your name, every particle of my body is in your name.

Your vote will decide development

PM Modi said that the development of UP and the future of the country will be decided by your one vote. You make Sangamlal ji victorious with a huge majority. Your every vote will increase Modi’s strength. Therefore, vote as much as possible and break the old record of voting.

These people are appealing for vote jihad against Modi

PM Modi said that Congress has snatched away OBC reservation in Karnataka and given it to Muslims. Congress wants to implement these rules across the country by changing the Constitution, but SP, which has betrayed the backward classes, is silent on this. These people are appealing for ‘vote jihad’ against Modi. One of his associates told that they have decided that if their government is formed, they will send Ram Lalla back to the tent and will lock the Ram temple again, but these people are forgetting that this is Modi, during the tenure of Modi, religion will be destroyed. They will not even be able to think of looting the reservation of Dalits and backward classes in the name of name. If Ram Lalla goes to the tent again during Modi’s tenure, forget it.

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