Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu said on Saturday that the continuous desertions of leaders from a party reflects its current situation, hinting at the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led YSRCP following V Vijayasai Reddy resigning from the Rajya Sabha.
Without invoking the opposition party’s name or Reddy, the CM answered a reporter’s question about why the opposition party is regularly facing desertions.
Reddy on Saturday said he submitted his resignation to Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and the same was accepted.
On Friday, Reddy said that he would not join any political party and would pursue a future in agriculture.
“There is no answer from us regarding why their party members are leaving. If there is faith, they will stay; otherwise, they will find their way and avenues. That reflects the situation of that party (YSRCP), I can say,” said Naidu after addressing a press conference on his recent visit to Davos.
Further, Naidu said, “I don’t want to comment much on that, it is their internal affair.”