September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

Your Global Perspective

The relatives of the newborn said – what happened to us should not happen to anyone, strict action should be taken against the culprits

The relatives of the newborn demanded strict action against the culprits. Symbolic picture.


Case of death of 11 day old newborn, girl lost her life due to negligence, GRMC Principal said that action against culprits will be taken after examining the record, record reached GRMC from Morena and District Hospital

Naiduniya Pratinidhi, Gwalior. In the case of the death of an 11-day-old girl due to not getting treatment even after reaching the doorstep of government hospitals, the relatives of the girl say that what happened to us should not happen to anyone else, so strict action should be taken against the culprits. We will complain to the officers for this.

Here, in the case of the girl’s death, in the investigation being conducted by GRMC Dean Dr. RKS Dhakad regarding the negligence of the pediatric department of KRH and the pediatric surgery department of the Super Specialty Hospital regarding the treatment of the girl, the records from Morena and District Hospital Murar have reached GRMC. Now the GRMC management is claiming to take action against the culprits after examining the records.

Due to GAMC Dean Dr. Dhakad going out for personal work, the records could not be examined, due to which the culprits could not be identified on Thursday. Now after the Dean returns, action against the culprits will be decided. Along with this, children admitted for pediatric surgery in KRH’s Pediatric SNCU will now be admitted in the Pediatric Surgery Ward of the Super Specialty Hospital. If a pediatric doctor is required, the doctor will reach there and examine the child. Such instructions have been given by Dean Dr. Dhakad. This arrangement was made after the death of the newborn girl.

The girl did not even get oxygen support in KRH, hence she died

The girl’s uncle Bunty Sakhwar said that when we took the girl from the district hospital to the pediatric SNCU of KRH, she needed oxygen at that time. We requested the doctors posted there to put the girl on oxygen support, but the doctors called the guards and got us thrown out. Due to which the girl’s health deteriorated further. If she had got oxygen support there in time, her life could have been saved. Frustrated from here, we returned to the district hospital at night, but the girl had died before reaching there.

The records that were called for from Morena and the district hospital have been found. I am out now, as soon as I return, the records will be examined and action will be taken against the culprits.

Dr. RKS Dhakad, Dean, GRMC