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MP News: Pathology centers dependent on lab technicians will be closed, one pathologist will be able to provide services only in two centres.

Pathology Lab (Symbolic Image)


The Health Secretary issued instructions to the CMHOs of all the districts. Nearly two and a half thousand pathology centers are operating in the state. It is mandatory for a pathologist to be present at the center where the patient’s sample is taken.

State Bureau, Naiduniya, Bhopal. After almost 20 years, there is going to be a tightening on pathology centers in the state once again. Now no investigation will be conducted in the central state without a pathologist. A pathologist can provide his services in only two testing centres.

One of these could be his own pathology center and the other could be someone else’s. If he does not have his own centre, he can provide services in the other two centres. The pathologist will have to inform the Chief Medical and Health Officer of his district within 15 days in which centers he is providing or wants to provide services.

Centers running on the basis of lab technicians

Sandeep Yadav, Principal Secretary, Public Health and Medical Education Department, has issued instructions in this regard to the Chief Medical and Health Officers of all the districts on Friday. At present, a large number of pathology centers in the state are being run by lab technicians only. He prints the digital signature of a pathologist in the test.

The patient suffers loss because the quality of the test is not reliable. Many times there are complaints of different reports from two different testing centres. Some lab technicians are giving reports without digital signature. Many hospitals also do not have pathologists. Now such centers will be closed.

The court had given the order 21 years ago

Let us tell you that in the year 2003, on a petition, the Madhya Pradesh High Court had ruled that no testing center should operate without a pathologist. After this, the then Health Commissioner Rashmi Arun Shami had issued an order that a pathologist would be able to provide his services only in two testing centres.

However, later this system gradually became dysfunctional. Then pathology labs started running only with the help of lab technicians. Let us tell you that at present two and a half thousand pathology centers are running in the state.

In these centres, there will be only about six hundred doctors including private and government in pathology, microbiology and biochemistry. The Principal Secretary has also made pathologist mandatory for the sample collection centre.