September 28, 2024

The World Opinion

Your Global Perspective

MP News: Government worried about low enrollment of children in government schools, asked collectors to analyze

Children studying in school (symbolic picture)


State Education Center wrote a letter to all the district collectors. Information sought about unmapped students in schools. Instructions also given to review the progress of students mapping.

Navdunia Representative, Bhopal. There has been a decline in the enrollment of children from classes 1 to 8 in the government schools of the state. The government is worried about this, because many programs are being run for the admission of children. In view of this situation, the State Education Center has written a letter to all the collectors asking them to analyze the decline in student enrollment compared to last year.

School Education Department is reviewing

Actually, the registration of so many students has decreased compared to last year, hence the School Education Department is reviewing it. In this regard, the State Education Center has written a letter to all the district collectors asking for analysis. It has been said in the letter that the mapping work has almost been completed. In this process, a large number of students have been unmapped from the school and sent to Dropbox by the school teachers. Due to this, there is a decline in the enrollment of students. School-wise and student-wise information about unmapped students in the school is available with the district. It is also being reviewed by the School Education Department. This work must be completed by 31st October. The progress of mapping should be reviewed weekly. The target of mapping unmapped students should also be given from block level and public education level.

In this regard, instructions have been given to the District Education Officer that the mapping process should be completed. It has been said in the letter that the students who have been sent to Dropbox will not be able to get the benefits of state government schemes like free textbooks, uniforms and scholarships.

this is dropbox

Dropbox is actually an online box which is accessible to everyone and which contains information about unmapped students from schools across the country. There is an online facility to search for such students, through which unmapped students can be tracked and registered in the school. Dropbox students are students who were enrolled in a school in a previous semester, but are not shown as enrolled in any school in the current semester. Generally, school teachers send the student to Dropbox without checking if the student’s information is not available during the student’s progress. This creates a situation of confusion.