September 27, 2024

The World Opinion

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Do not take bone pain lightly, consult a doctor immediately

Do not take bone pain lightly, consult a doctor immediately! Symbolic photo.


With increasing age, bones also become old and weak. Most people are troubled by bone pain. The number of bone patients is continuously increasing.

Naiduniya Representative, Gwalior. With increasing age, bones start getting weak. Most people are troubled by bone pain, because with increasing age, the number of bone patients is continuously increasing. On Wednesday, Dr. JPN Sharma, orthopedic specialist of District Hospital Murar, said this in the Hello Doctor program.

He told that as a person’s age increases, the bones also become old and weak. He said that it is often seen that people take normal medicines for back pain and joint pain, the pain reduces for some time when the medicine works. As soon as the effect of the medicine reduces, the pain starts again. In such a situation, one must consult an orthopedic specialist so that better treatment can be done in time and the disease can be detected in time.

Question- Do you have back pain? Nawab Singh Gudha.

Answer: To control the pain, painkillers, ointments or physiotherapy methods can be adopted, but you should start the treatment after consulting a specialist doctor.

Question- Do you have pain in your heel? Ramjilal Sharma, Ghatigaon.

Answer- Wash the heel which is in pain with lukewarm water every morning and evening. Apart from this, go to the district hospital and get tested. This will help in finding out the real cause of the pain.

Question- I am having joint pain since last 8 days? Kriparam Goyal, Ghosipura.

Answer- You should consult an orthopedist once, because some tests will have to be done only after which treatment can be given, but definitely start yoga and light exercise in the morning and evening.

Question- Do you feel pain from shoulder to elbow? Anju Murar.

Answer- You should consult a physiotherapist once regarding this problem. Along with this, consult an orthopedist as well. If you want, you can also visit the district hospital Murar.

Question- I had an operation after the accident, but the swelling in my wrist is not going away now? Narayan Singh Pinto Park.

Answer- It has not been long since the operation was done so there will be some swelling, you should do wrist exercises. Still, consult an orthopedist once.

Question- Do you have pain in your knees? Mahesh Kadam, Barai.

Answer- Due to old age, your knees are getting worn out and this is causing this problem. You must consult an orthopedic specialist once. You can also visit the district hospital.