Ranchi. Due to a technical glitch, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plane remained stuck at Deoghar airport in Jharkhand and during this time, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi remained stranded in Godda in the adjacent area. Rahul’s helicopter was not allowed to fly because of the Prime Minister’s plane. After holding an election rally in Godda, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s helicopter could not take off from there for one and a half hours. Rahul remained sitting in the helicopter during this period.
It is being told that the helicopter was not given permission to take off from Belbadda in Godda by the air traffic control. During the entire incident, Rahul Gandhi remained sitting in the helicopter and kept looking at his mobile. Congress has complained about this to the Election Commission. Actually, Rahul Gandhi had gone to campaign for MLA and Congress candidate Deepika Pandey Singh from Mahagama area.
Deepika Pandey later told that Rahul Gandhi’s helicopter was stopped only because the Prime Minister was in Deoghar. He said- Rahul Gandhi was not allowed to pass through that area. There is protocol, which we understand but Congress ruled the country for 70 years and such an incident never happened with any opposition leader. This is not acceptable.
However, before the helicopter was stopped, Rahul Gandhi held an election rally in Mahagama assembly constituency and during this he attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Rahul reiterated that Prime Minister Modi has not read even a single page of the Constitution. He also said that the Congress party will protect the Constitution at any cost. Rahul raised the issue of relations between the country’s richest businessman Gautam Adani and BJP and said- The land of Dharavi in Mumbai is worth one lakh crore rupees. Maharashtra government and Narendra Modi want to give it to Gautam Adani. We had a government there, this was not happening so they toppled the government.