Jamshedpur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi could not attend the program at Tatanagar Railway Station. He inaugurated it online by waving the flag, but Modi has left for Jamshedpur from Ranchi by road. He reached Ranchi airport at 9 am. He waited for more than an hour for the weather to improve, but it did not happen. Finally, he completed the program of flagging off all the trains. At around 11 am, he decided that he would now go to Jamshedpur by road. The people of Jamshedpur are waiting for him. He left Ranchi for Jamshedpur by road. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has left Ranchi airport by road amid tight security. After completing the road journey of about one and a half to two hours, PM Modi will directly reach Gopal Maidan in Bistupur, Jamshedpur. This is the first time that a Prime Minister is coming from Ranchi to Jamshedpur by road. Due to this, people have become more enthusiastic about the Prime Minister. It is possible that he will also do a brief road show and accept the greetings of the people there. The workers are excited about this.
PM Modi leaves for Jamshedpur by road, will address the gathering
By The World Opinion1 Min Read