September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

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Ensuring necessary basic facilities at polling stations will bring better results: K Ravi Kumar

Ranchi: In view of the Lok Sabha elections 2024, ensuring necessary basic facilities at the polling stations of the state will lead to better results. Voters will reach the polling booth as much as possible. This will improve the voting percentage. For this, everyone needs to work in mutual coordination with positive thinking. Perform all duties honestly in election work. District Election Officers of all the districts should complete the ongoing election related works in their respective districts in time. Any kind of negligence in election work is unforgivable. Jharkhand Chief Electoral Officer Shri K.Ravi Kumar said these things. Today he was addressing the state level review meeting organized at Hotel BNR Chanakya in Ranchi regarding the preparations made so far for the Lok Sabha elections 2024. District Election Officer-cum-Deputy Commissioner, IG, DIG, Electoral Registration Officer, Senior Superintendent of Police, Superintendent of Police etc. and senior officials associated with election work were present in the meeting.

Chief Electoral Officer Shri K Ravi Kumar said that in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, all the polling stations of the state are to be prepared as model booths. He directed to ensure proper arrangements at all booths to assist disabled voters, women and disabled voters and senior voters. He said that the election work is being conducted in the summer season, hence arrangements for sheds and drinking water should be made mandatory at all the polling stations, so that the voters do not face any inconvenience. For urban voters, ensure parking arrangements near the polling stations. The Chief Electoral Officer directed to motivate the BLOs by honoring them for the better arrangements made at their polling stations.

*Celebrate the voting day as a great festival*The Chief Electoral Officer said that all the voters should celebrate the voting day as a great festival of democracy. So that all the voters become participants in the Mahaparva, make sure to spread and publicize the message among the people. He said that such arrangements and environment should be created at the polling stations, such that the voters enthusiastically reach the polling stations on the polling day and vote with the same joy and enthusiasm with which people celebrate festivals. Do not let any confusion arise among the voters. Also, one should not face any difficulties in reaching the polling stations.

*Police officers should maintain strict law and order *Chief Electoral Officer directed all police officers to maintain strict law and order during election work. He directed to strictly stop illegal movement of liquor and cash by keeping a strict vigil. Also, while keeping a watch on fake news and misleading posts being made by anti-social elements on social media, he directed to take strict action as per the provisions.

In the course of reviewing the preparations related to the elections, the Chief Electoral Officer gave point by point information about the errors made by the District Election Officers-cum-Deputy Commissioners of all the districts and informed about their error-free work.

*Special action plan being prepared to stop movement of banned materials in Naxal areas*

*IG Operations cum State Nodal Officer of Jharkhand Police AV Homkar* said that in view of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the preparations and actions taken by the police officials in all the districts were also reviewed. Instructions have been given to the police officers to complete all the preparations for maintaining law and order and conducting fair and peaceful elections. He said that the expectations of action to be taken in Naxal affected areas and action from paramilitary forces, coordination with border states, border The action taken so far at the check post was reviewed. Besides, a special action plan is being prepared to completely stop smuggling and movement of cash, spurious and illegal liquor, intoxicants and other banned substances. For this, all police officers have been directed. In the light of the guidelines of the Election Commission of India, all police officers have been directed. He said that old warranties, criminals and those who influenced the election work were identified and the action taken against them was also reviewed.

In the meeting, through Power Presentation (PPT), the District Election Officers of all the districts gave information about the preparations made so far related to the ongoing election work in their district.

On the occasion of review, District Election Officer-cum-Deputy Commissioner, IG, DIG, Senior Superintendent of Police, Superintendent of Police along with Deputy Chief Electoral Officer Sandeep Singh from the Chief Electoral Office, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer Neha Arora, Joint Chief Electoral Officer of all the districts of the state were present. Chief Electoral Officer Subodh Kumar, Deputy Director Public Relations Anand, OSD Geeta Choubey, Under Secretary Devdas Dutta, Under Secretary Sunil Kumar and officials and personnel of the Chief Electoral Officer's office were present.