Ranchi. Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren and his wife MLA Kalpana Soren on Wednesday exercised their franchise at the polling booth located at Saint Francis School, Harmu in Ranchi. After this, while talking to the media, he said, ‘Today is the great festival of democracy. We went to our respective polling stations and exercised our franchise. I appeal to every citizen of the state to participate in this great festival and further strengthen this system of democracy. When journalists asked Chief Minister Hemant Soren about the issue of Bangladeshi infiltration being raised by the BJP, he said that he would answer it later. Today is the day of participation in the festival of democracy.
Former CM of Jharkhand and BJP candidate from Seraikela assembly seat, Chief Minister Champai Soren reached booth number 220 located at the upgraded middle school Jilingonda of Gamharia block on Wednesday and cast his vote. He arrived with his entire family to vote. Later, while talking to journalists, he said that BJP and NDA will form the government with a huge majority in the state. Babulal Soren, son of Champai Soren and BJP candidate from Ghatshila seat, also voted at the booth located in Jilingoda. Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh also appealed to all the people to vote by showing his inked finger after casting his vote at a polling booth in Ranchi. Union Minister of State for Defense and Ranchi MP Sanjay Seth, former Assembly Speaker and Ranchi BJP candidate CP Singh, JMM candidate and Rajya Sabha MP Dr Mahua Maji reached their respective booths in the morning and cast their votes.
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On Koderma seat, BJP candidate and former minister Dr. Neera Yadav along with her family reached booth number 239 at Indrava Jharitand and exercised her franchise. In the first phase of elections, a total of 15 thousand 344 polling stations have been set up on 43 seats. A total of 1.37 crore voters will write the fate of 683 candidates on EVMs. Of these, the number of male voters is 68.73 lakh and the number of female voters is 68.36 lakh. The number of third gender voters is 303. The number of voters aged 18-19 years is 6.51 lakh.