September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

Your Global Perspective

The mandap was decorated and the wedding ceremony was about to take place, amidst the crowd of guests, Dial 112 team reached home and stopped the wedding.

Manoj Yadav, Korba. The team of Dial 112 reached the information about child marriage taking place in village Gidhamudi of Moraga outpost under Bago police station area on Tuesday evening at 4 pm. Where a 15-year-old minor girl was getting married to a 19-year-old youth from the same village. Which was stopped immediately. Also, the team of Dial 112 gave information about the entire matter to Child Line and Women and Child Development Department. The team, with the help of village sarpanch, district and senior dignitaries, explained to the family members of both the parties involved in the marriage that both the boy and the girl are not of legal age for marriage. The age of a girl for marriage is fixed at 18 years and the age of a man is fixed at 21 years. Unless both are adults, marriage comes under the category of crime. Marriage should be done after both of them become children.

Understanding the situation, the family members stopped the marriage and the wedding marquee was also removed. Certainly, child marriage is a vivid example of the evil spread to the roots of society, gender inequality and discrimination. It is the result of the interaction and reaction of economic and social forces. Communities where the practice of child marriage is prevalent. There, marrying girls at a young age is part of the social practice and outlook of those communities and reflects the low status of human rights of girls. Everyone should avoid such situations and also save others.

The law prohibiting child marriage was first passed in 1929. Later amendments were made in it in 1949, 1978 and 2006. At present the minimum age of marriage has been fixed at 18 years for girls and 21 years for boys.