September 19, 2024

The World Opinion

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State level protest of Congress against BJP today: PCC Chief Baij said – Seizing the account of Congress is a political conspiracy of Modi government.

Raipur. Congress is going to hold a state level demonstration today. Regarding this, PCC Chief Deepak Baij said, seizing the account of Congress by the BJP government is a political conspiracy. This is the biggest conspiracy of the Modi government to influence the opposition party, to prevent it from contesting the elections, to win the elections by any means possible. Congress will protest across the country today regarding this matter.

Baij said, efforts are being made to crush democracy, the Congress party has decided to give a befitting reply to it. On the last date of Mahtari Vandan Yojana, Deepak Baij said sarcastically, we have told the people from the beginning. The opposite of what BJP has announced is being done. Those who should be getting benefits are not getting the benefits. More than 50 lakh forms were filled, where did they go? Such criteria have been kept so that fewer people can get the benefit.

Deepak Baij said, BJP government does not want women mothers to get benefits, hence less time has been given. BJP should remove the criteria and extend the time period. On the fear of influencing Congress officials, Deepak Baij said, no one can influence Congress people. Be it central or state level BJP leaders, all have been given the target to bring so many people. What are they afraid of? At this time Modi government is not going to be formed in the country. Modi guarantee has completely failed.

State President Baij said, BJP is giving all kinds of inducements to join. At some places they are contacting by phone, at some places they are visiting homes and talking, they are contacting all the workers from booth level workers till the entire PCC barrier, but even then BJP will not achieve success.

On the increasing Naxalite incidents in the state, Deepak Baij said, be it Naxalite incidents or other incidents, ever since the BJP government came to power, it has become unruly. Naxalite incidents have increased and there is no control on it. Criminals are continuously roaming from village to city without any fear. In 2 months, Chhattisgarh has been made a den of crime. There is no fear and terror on criminals in this government in any way.

New faces may get a chance in Lok Sabha

On Lok Sabha candidates, Deepak Baij said, CIC meeting can be held at the end of this month. There will be a CIC meeting and the names of many seats will probably be announced. New faces will get a chance in many seats and experienced faces will get a chance in many seats. Our aim will be to have a respectable candidate. After Lok Sabha elections, there are urban body elections and Panchayat elections. New leadership will get a chance in these elections, so that this leadership can be prepared in the coming assembly and Lok Sabha elections.

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