Bijapur. The South Bastar Divisional Committee of Naxalites has issued a press note on the encounter that took place on January 16 in Pamed-Basaguda-Usur area of Bijapur, Chhattisgarh. According to the Naxal organization, not 12 but 18 Naxalites have been killed in this encounter. In this, the most wanted Naxalite commander carrying a reward of Rs 50 lakh has also been killed.
Read this also – Bijapur Police-Naxalite encounter: Bodies of 12 hardcore Maoists including 5 women recovered, huge quantity of weapons found.
In the press note issued by the Naxalites, it has been said that in this encounter, the most wanted Naxalite commander, State Committee member and Telangana State Committee Chief Damodar alias Chokha Rao has also been killed. A reward of Rs 50 lakh was declared on this. Apart from this, PPCM Hungi, Deve, Joga and Narasimha Rao have also been killed. Let us tell you that in this encounter, the soldiers had recovered the bodies of 12 Naxalites, but now the Naxalites have shared the information about the death of 18 Naxalites.
Press note issued by Naxalite organization