Raipur. After meeting the Governor, PCC Chief Deepak Baij said, met the Governor of Chhattisgarh today. There was discussion regarding investigation into whether the Koyalibera Naxalite encounter that took place recently was a fake encounter. Three youths of the village were killed in the encounter. The three deceased had gone to the forest to collect wood. He was considered a Naxalite and shot. Now efforts are being made to prove this fake encounter true.
Baij said, all three deceased were MNREGA labourers. Aadhaar card, ration card of the deceased are all there. Still the dead are being described as Naxalites. The Congress investigation team investigated this entire matter, in which the encounter was found to be fake. We have complained about this matter to the Governor. We have asked the Governor to conduct an investigation by the sitting judge of the High Court. The Governor has assured that he will get the matter investigated.
On extending the date of Mahatari Vandan, Baij said – BJP has completely failed.
On extending the date of Mahtari Vandan Yojana, PCC Chief Deepak Baij said, BJP had promised to provide the benefits of the scheme to every married woman in Chhattisgarh. Be it the Chief Minister, former Chief Minister or Collector's family, they had talked about providing benefits to everyone, but after the formation of the government, they have started distributing benefits only by talking about APL, BPL, jobs, tax payers, so that not many people get the benefits. They know that anger will increase and elections are ahead, hence they are keeping extending the date. BJP has completely failed. Modi's guarantee has completely failed. BJP is badly scared, hence dates are being given.
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