September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

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Now there will be ‘invitation food’ in CG schools: Common people will also be able to feed food, menu will be prepared after asking children.

Raipur. Now invitation meals will be organized in schools of the state. In which instead of mid-day meal, special dishes can now be served to the students. Under this, common people will be able to feed food to students in general schools. The menu will be prepared after consulting the students. The School Education Department has taken this initiative to emphasize community participation. The department has also issued an order in this regard.

Let us tell you that the concept of Nyota Bhojan has been originally taken from the Tithi Bhojan mentioned in the Prime Minister’s Nutrition Shakti Nirman Guidelines of the Government of India. Which is based on community participation. It is based on the Indian tradition of providing food to a large number of people on various festivals or occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, marriages and national festivals etc. In Chhattisgarh, inviting for food is called Nyota. On this basis, Tithi Bhojan is being implemented in the state of Chhattisgarh under the name of ‘Nyota Bhojan’.

Community members can provide nutritious and tasty food to children in the form of extra food items or full meals on such occasions/festivals. It is completely voluntary and people of the community or any social organization can contribute either a complete meal or food items in the form of sweets, snacks, fruits or sprouts etc. as additional supplementary nutrition. In the order issued by the department, it has been specifically mentioned that ‘invitation is not a substitute for the food served in the dining hall’. Rather, it merely supplements the food provided in the school.

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