Surendra Jain, Dharsiwa. A day before the last date for filing nominations, BJP has suffered a major setback. BJP had made Akanksha Vaishnav a candidate from Ward No. 16 for Tilda Municipality elections, but today her nomination has been cancelled. The nomination was canceled because he was below 21 years of age, which is mandatory to contest elections. Now BJP may have to face the challenge of choosing a new candidate at the last moment.
In this matter, SDM Ashutosh Dewangan said that to contest elections one should be 21 years of age but Akanksha Vaishnav has not yet completed 21 years of age, hence her nomination has been cancelled. Bharatiya Janata Party had declared Akanksha Vaishnav as its candidate from Ward No. 19 Backward Class Free of Tilda Municipality.
The cancellation of nomination of the candidate announced by BJP is giving rise to many questions. Were those responsible in the organization of BJP, which is the largest political party in the country and the world, not aware that the age of 21 years is mandatory to contest elections? Was the party worker claiming the ticket also not aware of this? Many such unanswered questions are being raised after the cancellation of this nomination. At present, since the last date of nomination is tomorrow i.e. 28th January, BJP is now preparing to make someone else the candidate from Ward 16.