Mahasamund. The police have achieved great success in arresting the thieves who have plagued the thieves. 4 accused who carried out a total of 9 theft incidents in different places in the district have been arrested. These include 2 Bangladeshi and one international human smuggler and one colleague. A case has been registered under Foreigners Act 1946.
The main accused Milan Mandal and his partner Mo. Shafiq Sheikh alias Babu Sheikh used to Reiki of houses on the pretext of selling utensils to carry out the incidents of theft. The police have arrested both the accused living in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. Along with this, the International Human Trauser Adhikar Mandal (resident West Bengal), who spent stolen goods, has also been arrested.
Sonar Jaydev Karmakar, who bought stolen goods from the accused, has also been sent to jail. Investigation revealed that Milan Mandal and Mo. Shafiq Sheikh had made a fake Aadhaar card and PAN card to hide his identity of Bangladesh.
Police caught the accused like this
In January, Dinesh Aggarwal’s house was stolen in Basna police station area, in which jewelery and cash of about Rs 5 lakh was stolen. After this, in February, the house of Devnath Patel in Sankra police station area was also stolen of Rs 4.43 lakh.
The theft pattern was the same in both the cases, which feared the police that only one gang could be involved in both the incidents. After this, the team of Sankra, Basna police station and cyber cell identified the accused with the help of CCTV footage, mobile tower dump and informers.
The main accused was coming to India continuously since 2003
Milan Mandal has come to India from Bangladesh 10 times since 2003. He had illegally entered India through the International Human Traveler Officers Board. The officers used to illegally work for bringing people to India from Bangladesh and sending Bangladesh from India. He used to send the money from the stolen and the goods to his wife in Bangladesh through hawala. Accused Milan Mandal said in interrogation that he used to sell the stolen goods to Jaydev Karmakar in West Bengal through the Adhikar Mandal. 18.10 lakh rupees were sent to Bangladesh due to the theft amount and the sale of gold jewelery. To send money, a person named Ganesh Burman used women agents, who used to cross the amount by hiding in clothes through women going to farming on the border.
Police seized diamond, gold and silver jewelery from the possession of the accused, Rs 58,52,000, cash amount of Rs 7,000, motor cycle precious Rs 46,000.
Arrested accused
01. Milan Mandal father Muzammil Mandal, age 40 years resident village Parvatipur District Dinajpur State Rangpur, Bangladesh Hall Address Badhwa Mujmmal Mandal Mudhol Road Avati Gali Jamkhandi District Bagalkot, Karnatakot, Karnataka.
02. Officer Board of Adhikar Mandal Suppur Mahmud Mandal age 70 years old. Central Krishnarampur, Shahpukur police station Kumarganj, District South Dinajpur, Pt. Bengal.
03. Jaydev Karmakar father Manindranath Karmakar age 54 years Village Dangahat police station Kumarganj, District South Dinajpur, Pt. Bengal.
04. Mo. Shafiq Sheikh alias Babu Sheikh father Mo. Idish Sekh alias Aamir Sheikh Age 43 years resident Parvatipur District South Dinajpur State Rangpur, Bangladesh Hall Address Ward No. 28. Para, Darbar Gali Bijapur Vijayapura Karnataka near Malda railway station near village Bhojpur police