Amit Pandey, Khairagarh. Before welcoming the New Year, a surprising incident has come to light from Khairagarh district. Where a girl jumped from a moving bike after a dispute with her ex-boyfriend. The girl got seriously injured due to the high speed of the bike at the time of the accident.
According to sources, the girl had gone out to celebrate New Year with her old boyfriend. During the journey, there was a heated argument between the two over some issue. The dispute escalated so much that the girl suddenly jumped off the moving bike in a fit of rage and said that she would not go with the young man.
Let us tell you that due to jumping from the bike, the girl has suffered fractures in her hands and legs, and has also suffered serious injuries on her face and head. In injured condition, he was immediately taken to Khairagarh District Hospital, where after first aid, seeing his serious condition, the doctors referred him to Rajnandgaon Medical College for better treatment. After receiving information about the incident, Khairagarh police started investigating the matter.
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