September 19, 2024

The World Opinion

Your Global Perspective

Effect of Naxalite bandh in Bijapur! issued a letter threatening

Bijapur. Naxalites in Bastar have called for Bijapur bandh today against the state government. In fact, 4 days ago, Mohan, Secretary of the West Bastar Division Committee, had issued a pamphlet in which it was threatened that if the shops remained open and the vehicles ran, then they themselves would be responsible for it.

The police force in Bastar is also on alert regarding the strike by Naxalites. In the pamphlet issued by the Naxalites, it is written that after the BJP government came to power, the police in Bijapur of Bastar have killed 15 innocent tribal villagers within 3 months. Genocide continues against tribal villagers. Now the Maoist party is calling for Bijapur district bandh on March 30 against the government.

Three Naxalites were killed three days ago

The Naxalite leader said that ever since the BJP government came to power in the state, hundreds of camps have been opened. Bastar’s water, forests and land are being sold to corporate houses, the genocide continues. There is a strategy to exclude the tribals. In view of the strike by Naxalites, the police force in Bijapur is also on alert. To prevent Naxalites from committing any major crime before the Lok Sabha elections, soldiers are being sent on search operations every day. Three days ago, in the search operation conducted against Naxalites, the police had killed 3 Naxalites.

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