September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

Your Global Perspective

Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saav, who participated in the birth anniversary celebrations of Adi Guru Shankaracharya, said – We all will have to do the work of revival and restoration of Sanatan.

Raipur. The biggest contribution to the respect of Sanatan in the world is of Adi Guru Shankaracharya. At the age of 8, he had knowledge of all the Vedas, and after that he traveled across the country and established four Peethas. This is the period in which Sanatan was actually revived. Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao said these things in the Adi Guru Shankaracharya Jayanti program organized by Chhattisgarh Sanatan Dashnam Goswami Samaj at Martyr Memorial in Raipur on Sunday.

Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao further said that the decline in the brightness of Sanatan during the slavery of the Mughals and the British was removed on January 22, 2024. The consecration of Shri Ram temple took place in Ayodhya on 22 January. After this, Sanatan once again struck the world. He said that we all need to think about Sanatan. Today, when we are celebrating the birth anniversary of Adi Guru Shankaracharya, the objectives for which he dedicated his life. Toured the entire country. Today there is a need to take the work done by him further. The form that Sanatan should have had today, the form that Adi Guru Shankaracharya wanted Sanatan to have, has not come even today, hence we all will have to do the work of taking his works forward.

Today there is a need to move forward on the path shown by Adi Guru Shankaracharya.

The Deputy Chief Minister said that today there is a need to move forward on the path shown by Adi Guru Shankaracharya. He has done a lot of work in such a short time. We all will have to do the work of reviving and restoring Sanatan. Goswami Samaj is progressing in every field on the basis of hard work and strength. A youth-girl introduction conference was organised, I congratulate the people of the society for this. The talents who brought glory to the society were honoured.

Rural MLA Motiram Sahu, Mahant Ramsundar Das ji, Dr. Mahesh Giri, officials of the society and other people of the society were present in the Adi Guru Shankaracharya Jayanti program organized by Chhattisgarh Sanatan Dashnam Goswami Samaj at the Martyr Memorial in Raipur.

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