September 20, 2024

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Creators showed enthusiasm in the ‘Let’s Collab Chhattisgarh’ creators meetup program, officials discussed the promotion of state government schemes…

Raipur. The “Public Relations Department” of the state government organized the ‘Let’s Colab Chhattisgarh’ Creators Meetup program in the auditorium of Chhattisgarh Samvad Bhawan, Nava Raipur. Hundreds of well-known creators of Chhattisgarh participated in the program. The program was inaugurated by Public Relations Commissioner Mayank Srivastava and IAS Dr. Ayyaz Fakirbhai Tamboli, in which more than 270 creators participated. The Public Relations Department also honored 15 people for better content in different categories.

Addressing the program, Public Relations Commissioner Mayank Srivastava said that the objective of this meetup is to build a bridge between the government and the citizens, especially among the creative people. We have organized Creator Meetup because your creativity is such a medium through which you can reach the common people and in such areas where the administration is not able to reach. In the meetup, the importance of social media in establishing good governance, expectations of the youth from the new government, opinions on promotion of state government schemes through social media were discussed.

In the program, IAS Dr. Ayyaz Fakirbhai Tamboli discussed the role of social media in governance. Similarly, IPS Ankita Sharma shared information on the impact of cyber laws on social media. He said that never fall prey to any fake website or talk of such people. If there is any fraud with you or someone blackmails you for any reason, then do not panic, rather contact the police.

He further said that if someone has fraudulently taken money from you or any fraud has taken place, then you can report your problem as soon as possible on the toll free number operated by the Government of India. Keep your mobile locked and the app also locked, so that your personal information, pictures or any data cannot be stolen. In the program, IPS Santosh Singh expressed his opinion on the impact of social media in effective policing. Similarly, ASP Pitambar Patel addressed the creators on the new cyber security rules. A panel discussion was held in the program, in which mainly Adarsh ​​Mishra, Heen Shaikh, Kriti Sharma, Minendra Chandrakar, Ravindra Singh were present.

They received the honor of “Creators of the Year”

In the program, Himanshu Yadav was given Solo Influencer (Male), Kajal Shriwas was given Solo Influencer (Female), Amlesh Nagesh was given Entertainment, Aaru Sahu was given Entertainment (Music), Abhinav Bhumarkar was given Fashion & Lifestyle, Vedanshi Nitish Banjari was Recipe Curator (Food Blogger), Food Blogger to Bhoj Raj, Education to Manas Patnaik, Tourism to Rahul Dewangan, Infotainment to Geetesh Deshmukh, Art & DIYs to Pramod Sahu, Culture to Ravi Sahu, Rising Music Star to Pushkar Sahu and Tushar Solanki, Emerging Story Tellers to Renuka Singh. Awarded the Creator of the Year award in the category.

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