Sushil Salaam, Kanker. Late night, Congress announced the names of its candidates for the urban body elections. In Antagarh Nagar Panchayat, Congress suddenly had to change its candidate for the post of President. In place of Congress Nagar Panchayat President candidate Suryash Netam (Gudda), his mother Kunti Netam will now contest the election of Nagar Panchayat President from Congress.
For the post of Nagar Panchayat President, it is mandatory for the candidate to be 25 years of age. Suryash Netam (Gudda) is 24 years 10 months old. Congress made a big mistake in this. Now Suryash’s mother will contest the election of Nagar Panchayat President from Congress. If attention had not been paid in time, Suryash’s nomination could have been cancelled.