September 24, 2024

The World Opinion

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Collector inspected EVM warehouse

Collector and District Election Officer Mr. Jitendra Kumar Shukla performed a quarterly inspection of the EVM VVPAT warehouse positioned within the Joint District Administrative center premises these days.
In line with the directions of the Election Fee of India, each month exterior inspection of EVM VVPAT warehouse and interior inspection is finished by means of opening the sealed warehouse each 03 months, whose knowledge is given to the identified political events for his or her presence. On this collection, the District Election Officer inspected the EVM VVPAT warehouse these days. Taking numerical knowledge of EVM VVPAT machines from Deputy District Election Officer. Took details about the protection gadget together with CC TV cameras and hearth combating gadget and gave vital directions. After inspection, the warehouse was once re-sealed. Throughout the inspection, Further Collector Dr. A.Ok. Bajpai, Joint Collector US Bande, Deputy District Election Officer Vishwas Rao Maske, Deputy Collector BS Joshi and officials/staff of the District Election Administrative center had been provide.

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