Gariaband. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai’s stay program in Gariaband district is possible on January 05. During his visit to the district, the Chief Minister will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various development and construction works. Apart from this, 108 Kundiyas can participate in Gayatri Mahayagya. Collector Deepak Aggarwal has entrusted the responsibility of all the preparations for the program to the departmental officers. For the proposed programme, District Panchayat CEO Rita Yadav has been appointed as the nodal officer and Additional Collector Prakash Singh Rajput has been appointed as the assistant nodal officer.
The Collector held a meeting of departmental officers today to give information about the preparations to be made in connection with the program. He directed to complete all the preparations for the program in a dignified manner and complete the necessary arrangements in time. Along with this, instructions were also given to seriously discharge the responsibilities given for the Chief Minister Migration Programme. During this, Superintendent of Police Nikhil Rakhecha, DFO Laxman Singh, District Panchayat CEO Rita Yadav, Additional Collector Prakash Rajput, Joint Collector Rakesh Golchha and other district officers were present.
Responsibilities assigned to officers: As per the orders, the responsibility of parking, vehicle arrangement, traffic route chart, law and order, blood group arrangement, carket has been assigned to the police department. The Forest Department has been given the responsibility of providing bamboo poles for the helipad, entire program and security arrangements. The Public Works Department has been given the responsibility of making complete arrangements of tents as per the dignity of the venue, construction of stairs and ramps as per requirement to reach the main stage from the separate beneficiary stalls near the stage and leveling of the entire venue as per requirement.
The responsibility of arranging the stage’s decor, decorations, flowers, garlands, bouquets etc. and proper arrangement of flowerpots in the stage and ‘D’ area has been given to the Horticulture Department. Public Works Department, Water Resources Department, Rural Engineering Services Department have been given the responsibility of preparations for inauguration and Bhoomi Pujan. The Education Department has been given the responsibility of organizing cultural programmes, arranging the stage and arranging announcers during batch and other work programmes. The Electrical Engineering Department has to arrange for sound system on the stage and surrounding lighting system at the venue, installation of LED screen, arrangement of lighting in the stage and audience gallery including emergency generator, one day prior inspection of the sound system and LED screen at the event and submission of completion report. Has been given the responsibility.
The health department has been given the responsibility of organizing a health camp along with appointing an ambulance and medical team along with life-saving medicines at the venue of the program and making arrangements for treatment. The PHE department has been given the responsibility of providing clean drinking water at the program venue and public areas and the health department has been given the responsibility of making drinking water arrangements at other places. The municipality has been entrusted with the responsibility of arranging cleanliness at the police line and event venue from village Majarkatta and providing dustbins at different places.
Collector Aggarwal started preparations for the venue, helipad arrangements, tents, cleaning, stage preparation, material distribution, security arrangements and other necessary arrangements and gave instructions to complete all the works in a timely manner. In the program, materials will be distributed to the beneficiaries benefiting from various schemes. Departmental stalls will be set up. The Collector gave instructions to ensure all these preparations within the time limit. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai will also address the general public through a stage program. For this, instructions were given to ensure systematic arrangement of meetings for the general public.