Satya Rajput, Raipur. In the much talked about CGPSC scam case of Chhattisgarh, CBI has arrested Sahil Sonwani, nephew of former chairman Taman Singh Sonwani, along with Shashank Goyal, son of Bajrang Power director Shravan Kumar Goyal and Bhumika Katiyar. After interrogation, CBI presented the three accused in Raipur court. After this, CBI got one day judicial remand from Raipur court. That means CBI will present the three accused again tomorrow at 5 pm.
Let us tell you that earlier CBI had interrogated Bhumika regarding her selection for the post of Deputy Collector, after which this arrest was made. Earlier on Saturday, Nitish Sonwani, nephew of former CGPSC chairman Taman Singh Sonwani, and former deputy exam controller Lalit Gunveer were arrested.
It is noteworthy that in the examination/interview for many posts including Deputy Collector, DSP during the year 2020 to 2022, questions were raised on the selection of close relatives of some VIPs including relatives of Taman Sonwani. On the basis of these allegations, CBI had registered the case. The investigation of this case is ongoing. In this case, CBI has already arrested former CGPSC Chairman Taman Singh Sonwani and Bajrang Power Director Shravan Kumar Goyal.
This is the whole matter
There is controversy regarding the selection of some candidates in the recruitment of CGPSC 2019 to 2022. EOW and Arjunda police have registered a case on charges of corruption and irregularities. CGPSC had conducted the examination for 175 posts in 2020 and for 171 posts in 2021. Pre-exam was conducted on 13 February 2022. There were 2,565 passes in this. After this, 509 candidates passed the Mains examination held on 26, 27, 28 and 29 May 2022. After the interview, the selection list of 170 candidates was released on 11 May 2023. It is alleged that the then Chairman Sonwani has provided jobs to his relatives and the children of Congress leaders and bureaucrats.
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