Shashikant Diksena, Korba. The student had given birth to a newborn baby in the hostel. In this case, the police has arrested the accused lover from Telangana. According to the police, the accused kept raping the minor student continuously on the pretext of marriage, due to which the student became pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl. The whole matter is of a hostel in Korba district.
Read this also – Chhattisgarh: 11th class student gave birth to a baby girl in the hostel, condition of the newborn is critical, treatment is going on in the District Medical College.
A few days ago, a student in the hostel had given birth to a baby girl and threw the newborn out of the bathroom window. There was a stir in the education department after this incident. Taking cognizance of this matter, the Collector has also suspended the hostel in-charge. The police had registered the case and were busy investigating.
Accused Ramkumar Kamro newborn baby is undergoing treatment in the District Medical College.
Bango police has arrested the accused, 20-year-old Ram Kumar Kamro, resident of village Ghumanidand, from Telangana. The accused used to rape a minor student on the pretext of marriage, due to which she became pregnant and also gave birth to a girl child. The treatment of the newborn baby is going on in the District Medical College.