Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai has appreciated the success achieved by the soldiers in the ongoing Naxalite encounter in Gariaband district. CM Sai posted on social media that more than 10 Naxalites are reported to have been killed in the ongoing encounter with Naxalites since Sunday night in Kulhadighat area under Mainpur police station of Kigariaband district. Strengthening the resolve of the successful Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji and Honorable Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah ji to eliminate Naxalism in the country and the state by March 2026, the security forces are continuously achieving success and moving rapidly towards the goal. This success achieved by the soldiers is commendable. I salute his bravery. Under our double engine government, our Chhattisgarh will definitely remain free from Naxalism by March 2026.
Ending Naxalism is necessary for the development of the state: Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao
Regarding the Gariaband Naxalite encounter, Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao said that Union Home Minister Amit Shah has announced that we will make the country Naxalite free by March 31, 2026. Our security forces are also working bravely in this direction. Are continuously becoming successful. I congratulate the security forces for their achievement in Gariaband. Ending Naxalism is necessary for the development of the state.
#WATCH | Raipur: On Gariaband encounter, Chhattisgarh Dy CM Arun Sao says, “… Union Home Minister Amit Shah has announced that we will make the nation Naxal-free by 31st March 2026. Our security forces are also bravely working in this direction. They are succeeding constantly.… https://t.co/eR1pv9KKX5 pic.twitter.com/dWYAag4T9C
— ANI (@ANI) January 21, 2025 Naxalism will be completely ended in Chhattisgarh by 2026: Deputy Chief Minister Sharma
Regarding the ongoing encounter in Gariaband, Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma said that the operation is going on continuously for 2 days. In which 14 Naxalites have been killed. The operation is still going on. A CC member has also been killed. A Naxalite worth Rs 1 crore has been killed. Naxalism will be completely ended in Chhattisgarh by 2026. For the first time a CC member has been killed in an operation.
Let us tell you that in the ongoing encounter between security forces and Naxalites on the Odisha-Chhattisgarh border since Sunday, the soldiers have so far killed 14 Naxalites. Two women Naxalites are also included in these. Bodies of two more Naxalites have been recovered. A huge quantity of explosives including 1 SLR, ID have been recovered from the spot.