Salman Khan’s fans were eagerly waiting for the teaser of his upcoming film Sikandar. The first glimpse of the action film directed by AR Murugadoss was to be released on December 27. But due to the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the team of Salman Khan and Sajid Nadiadwala has decided to postpone the teaser launch of the film Sikandar.
Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh was admitted to AIIMS Hospital in Delhi after his health suddenly deteriorated. He was not breathing properly. Doctors could not save him even after several attempts. He breathed his last at the age of 92. After his demise, the official handle of Sajid Nadiadwala’s production house informed that the teaser release of the film Sikandar has been postponed.
Sikandar’s teaser will be released on this day…
The teaser of Sikandar will now come on 28th December at 11.07 am. The official handle of the production house tweeted on . Our condolences are with the nation in this hour of mourning. Thanks for understanding. – #TeamSikander.”
Salman Khan has been gearing up for this film for the last one year. According to reports, he will be seen in a spectacular action avatar. The film will hit the theaters on Eid 2025 and is expected to break all box office records. Tiger Superstar has been waiting for a blockbuster for a long time. The last few years have been very cold for the superstar in terms of numbers. There was no expected blockbuster even on Eid and Diwali and now all hopes are pinned on Sikandar for Salman Khan’s blockbuster comeback.
Interestingly, AR Murugadoss and Salman Khan were supposed to work together in Ghajini, but the stars did not align for the two to come together. Talking about producer Sajid Nadiadwala, Bhaijaan and he were working together on the next part of Kick, but things could not work out on that too. Finally, Salman Khan, AR Murugadoss and Sajid Nadiadwala are all set to rock the box office with Sikandar.