Many videos are going viral on social media from the ongoing Mahakumbh (Maha Kumbh) fair in Prayagraj. One of them is also a video of Monalisa, who is dominated on social media for her brown color eyes. At the same time, now it is reported that Monalisa, who sells Rudraksha garland on the pavement, is now getting a chance to work in films.
Filmmaker Sanoj Mishra has offered the role of lead actress to Monalisa in his next film ‘The Diary of Manipur’. Monalisa and her family have also agreed to work in this film. In this film, Monalisa is going to play the role of the daughter of a retired army officer.
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Viral girl Monalisa got the film offer
It is being told that the shooting of this film will be held between April and June at different places in Northeast India. The film will be released in October or November. However, before the shooting starts, Monalisa will take acting training in Mumbai for three months. At the moment, Monalisa and her father have gone to Maheshwar in Madhya Pradesh to avoid people in Mahakumbh. Now the film’s director Sanoj Mishra and his team will go to Maheshwar two days later and meet Monalisa and her family. A signing contract will also be done with him here.
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Monalisa is happy to get the film offer
It is being told that after seeing the interview of director Sanoj Mishra (Sanoj Mishra) Monalisa, he reached Prayagraj Mahakumbh (Maha Kumbh). Here she has met Monalisa’s family members. The family got Sanoj Mishra talk to Monalisa and her father on her mobile phone. According to Sanoj Mishra, Monalisa and her family are very happy to hear the offer to get work in the film. According to him, after working in this film, the financial troubles of Monalisa’s family will end and her condition will improve.