Filmmaker-director Vivek Agnihotri is making ‘The Delhi Files’ these days. Recently, he has shared social media posts and has also taunted BMC. He has also criticized the rising inflation in Mumbai and the rising prices of autorickshaw and taxi.
Let us know that Vivek Agnihotri has given BMC attention to the growing population and chaos in Mayanagari Mumbai and said that only the quality of people’s lives is not increasing here.
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Auto-taxi fare will increase from February 01
Vivek Agnihotri has shared a post from his X platform (formerly Twitter). He has shared an English newspaper cutting, which has been reported that the fare of auto rickshaw and taxi in Mumbai will increase by three rupees. Apart from this, there is information about increase in the fares of the bus. Vivek Agnihotri has criticized it.
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Tightening on BMC
Vivek Agnihotri wrote, ‘Gradually everything is increasing in Mumbai. Inflation, traffic, pits, chaos, sea level, dirt, population, stress, pollution… The only thing that is not increasing is the quality of life of the people here. I hope that BMC will pay attention to this on this side.