Famous South actor Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail by the Nampally court of Hyderabad in the Sandhya theater stampede case in connection with the investigation into the death of a 35-year-old woman in the stampede during the screening of the film Pushpa 2. . It is reported that Nampally court has directed Allu Arjun to present two sureties of Rs 50 thousand each as part of the bail conditions.
Let us tell you that the entire incident took place during the screening of Pushpa 2 on 4th December. In Hyderabad, film shows were held from 3 am. The premiere show of Pushpa 2 was held at Sandhya Theatre. Fans were eager to watch the first day show of Allu Arjun’s film. There was a crowd of fans outside the theatre. People were dancing. They were playing drums. Many were also seen setting off fireworks.
When the vehicle reached Allu Arjun during the screening, people went uncontrollable. This is where the whole matter started. There was chaos and stampede among the people to get a glimpse of Allu Arjun. During this time, a woman had died, while her 8-year-old son is admitted in a private hospital.
Police arrested Allu Arjun
In this case, the police had also registered an FIR against Allu Arjun, after which he was arrested. The police had also interrogated him. At the same time, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy had said that Allu Arjun had participated in the premiere despite not getting permission from the police. He claimed that the actor had refused to leave the theatre, due to which the police had to forcibly remove him.