Kumar Inder, Jabalpur. Actor Akshay Kumar’s new film “Sky-Force” seems to be entangled in controversies. The Kodava community of Kodagu, Karnataka has protested. Questions have been raised on the role of the film’s co-actor Veer Paharia. Adhikari, from the Kodava community of Karnataka, is portrayed as a Tamil in the film. Jabalpur-based social media influencer and lawyer Tanya Appachu Kaul has started a social media campaign. Lawyer Tanya’s posts are being shared continuously. People of Kodava community are continuously giving reactions on social media. People of Kodava community are expressing anger on the film makers of Sky Force.
The movie “Sky Force” is based on the attack on Pakistan’s Sargodha Air Base during the India-Pakistan war in 1965. Squadron Leader Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya is known as the hero of the first airbase attack on Sargodha Air Base in 1965. The film is accused of showing Squadron Leader Ajhamada Bopayya Devayya as a Tamilian rather than a Karnataka. Actor Veer Paharia has played the role of Squadron Leader Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya in the film Sky Force. Advocate Tanya has raised questions on the squadron leader’s misrepresentation of the community. Jabalpur-based lawyer Tanya appealed to the film makers to present the correct facts through a disclaimer. Squadron Leader Ajjamada Devayya Bopayya has been posthumously awarded the Mahavir Chakra.
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