Kareena Kapoor Khan and Karisma Kapoor’s cousin Aadar Jain have tied the knot. Alekha Advani and Aadar Jain had an intimate wedding according to Christian customs on the sea shore in Goa. All the family members were present in this marriage. However, Kareena Kapoor was not seen with her entire family and Alia Bhatt was not seen with Ranbir Kapoor in this wedding.
Alekha became a bride in white gown
Photos of this wedding are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Alekha Advani wore a white off-shoulder gown in her wedding. She completed her look with a thin necklace around her neck, earrings and a head scarf. At the same time, Aadar Jain was seen wearing gray color coat and pants with a white shirt.
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married according to Christian customs
Let us tell you that Alekha Advani and Aadar Jain got married according to Christian customs on the sea shore of Goa. After marriage, both of them even kissed each other. Whose photos are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Many photos of this intimate wedding are going viral, in which Alekha and Aadar are seen posing in the same frame with the entire family.
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Samaira grabbed the limelight
While the photos of Alekha Advani and Aadar Jain are going viral in this wedding, the look of Karisma Kapoor’s darling daughter Samaira is also being discussed a lot. 19 year old Samaira was wearing a white colored strappy gown on this occasion. The innocence and slight smile on the face has attracted a lot of people.