New Delhi: Hyundai Motor India on Tuesday said its consolidated profit after tax declined 19 per cent to Rs 1,161 crore for the third quarter ended December 31, 2024, hit by subdued demand and geo-political factors. The auto major had reported a Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs 1,425 crore in the October-December period of last fiscal. Total revenue from operations declined to Rs 16,648 crore in the third quarter as against Rs 16,875 crore in the year-ago period.
The decline in margins was mainly due to subdued demand & geo-political factors, the company said. “While the challenges persist in the overall market due to global factors, our business fundamentals remain strong, and we remain confident in our ability to leverage our strengths and actively explore potential opportunities to improve our volumes and profitability,” Hyundai Motor India Managing Director Unsoo Kim said.
The company said it sold a total of 1,86,408 units of passenger vehicles during the third quarter, a dip of 2 per cent as compared with 1,90,979 units in the same period of last fiscal.
The sales in the third quarter of this fiscal include 1,46,022 units in the domestic market with a strong contribution from the SUV segment, it added. Hyundai said it has achieved its highest-ever CNG penetration during the quarter, reaching 15 per cent which was 12 per cent in the third quarter of the previous year.
During the quarter, the automaker said it has demonstrated robust growth in rural penetration reaching 21.2 per cent compared to 19.7 per cent in the same period last year. The export volume stood at 40,386 units, it added.
The company has a positive outlook on growing EV penetration in India and is headed towards electrification with a holistic approach, it added.
Hyundai believes that the newly launched Creta Electric will drive phenomenal success, build strong momentum and will be a game-changer in the EV landscape, it said.