Gariaband. The demand for liquor has increased before the upcoming urban body and three-tier Panchayat elections in Chhattisgarh. In such a situation, the administration is also on alert mode regarding illegal liquor transportation and illegal liquor sale. Amlipadar Police has seized a huge consignment of illegal liquor being brought from Odisha to Chhattisgarh last night.
Let us tell you, the prices of liquor in Odisha are much lower as compared to Chhattisgarh. In the Odisha border, liquor is consumed under the guise of dhabas and restaurants.
According to the information, Amlipadar police had received information about illegal liquor transportation from the informer, after which the police stopped the Artika vehicle at Barighat border and searched it. During police investigation, the entire vehicle was found filled with English liquor. Police recovered 200.300 liters of liquor from 50 boxes present in the vehicle and arrested the accused. Apart from this, preparations are also being made to make Artika vehicle a royal one.
Police station in-charge Faizul Shah said that the accused Dinesh Sinha is a resident of Amlipadar, who has been arrested. The accused is being presented in the court after taking action under the Excise Act.