There is a tussle over the continuation of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s party JDU in the NDA. JDU removed state president Birendra Singh from the post of Manipur, who had issued the order to leave with NDA. JDU has decided to remain with Modi led NDA. The party took this action after Virendra Singh wrote a letter to the Governor withdrawing support to the BJP government.
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Nitish Kumar’s party Janata Dal United has decided to remove Manipur state president Virendra Singh from the post of president. Actually, Birendra Singh had written a letter to the Governor and announced to withdraw support from the Biren Singh led BJP government. Nitish Kumar’s party has removed Virendra Singh on charges of indiscipline.
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While taking action against Virendra Singh, JDU in its clarification said that it continues to support the BJP government in Manipur. Along with Manipur, in Bihar and also in the Centre, Janata Dal United is standing strongly in support of BJP.
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Giving information about the removal of Virendra Singh from the post of president, JDU said, Janata Dal United has removed its party president of Manipur state, Virendra Singh, who had written this letter, from the post of state president. Virendra Singh has been relieved on charges of indiscipline.
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Let us tell you that Manipur JDU President Virendra Singh had written a letter to Governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla and announced withdrawal of support from BJP. He said in this letter that the party had initially won 6 seats in the 2022 Manipur Assembly elections. However, later 5 MLAs joined BJP. Due to which the numbers of the ruling party became stronger. The case of these five MLAs under the Tenth Schedule of the Constitution of India is pending before the Speaker’s Tribunal.
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