The West Bengal government got permission in the Calcutta High Court to challenge the lower court’s decision in which Sanjay Roy was booked for the rape and murder of a doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. He has been sentenced to life imprisonment till death. The state, on behalf of Advocate General Kishore Dutta, sought commutation of the sentence to death penalty, saying the culprit deserved harsher punishment.
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The Sealdah court, headed by Additional District and Sessions Judge Anirban Das, heard the appeal, convicting Roy but refusing to classify the crime as the “rarest of the rare” which warrants the death penalty in India. Required criteria. Instead, the court sentenced Roy to life imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs 50,000. The court also ordered the state government to pay a compensation of Rs 17 lakh to the victim’s family, but the victim’s family did not do so.
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what did mamta say
Mamta Banerjee said that when someone is a monster, can the society be human? Sometimes they come out after a few years; If someone commits a crime, should we forgive them? I say it’s rare, sensitive and heinous; If someone commits a crime and gets away with it, he will do it again. Our job is not to protect them; Had this case been under the jurisdiction of Kolkata Police, the outcome could have been different. Banerjee said in the press conference, “We all have demanded death penalty, but the court has given life imprisonment till death… The case was forcibly taken away from us. If it was with the (Kolkata) police, we would have ensured that he gets death penalty,” he said.
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The case was handed over to CBI
Let us tell you that the first investigation was done by Kolkata Police, but after the allegations of the protesting doctors, the case was handed over to CBI. In the final arguments, the convict said that he was framed, but the court said that the charges against him have been proved.