Amit Pandey, Khairagarh. In view of the increasing road accidents and traffic pressure in the district headquarters, Khairagarh Police launched an awareness campaign in a unique way. Policemen and artists came on the road dressed as Yamraj and Chitragupta and advised the passersby to wear helmets and follow traffic rules.
When Yamraj and Chitragupta were seen on the streets of Khairagarh, people were surprised. Actually, these were policemen and artists in costumes, who gave an interesting message to those who did not follow the traffic rules. Those traveling without helmets, without seat belts and carrying three passengers were not only stopped, but they were also told that violating the rules was like inviting death. The policeman playing Yamraj explained to the drivers that helmet and seat belt are not only necessary to follow the law, but they are the shield of your life. Helmets protect the head from injuries and seat belts prevent serious injuries during an accident.
Police said – speeding and drunk driving are the major reasons for the accident.
The policeman present in the form of Chitragupta told the drivers in a funny but serious tone that speeding, drunk driving and use of mobile phones are the biggest reasons for accidents. He said, “We have come to hold you accountable for your actions, but we want you to be safe yourself.” Enthusiasm was seen among the local people regarding this campaign. Pedestrians, children and youth took photographs with the characters of Yamraj and Chitragupta and showed interest in understanding the traffic rules. A local youth said, “This method is very interesting. “It forces us to think how careless we are about our safety.”
Innovative efforts of police are inspiring: Additional SP
Khairagarh Additional Superintendent of Police Nitish Kumar Gautam said, through this campaign, Khairagarh Police not only motivated people to follow traffic rules, but also warned that if the rules are broken next time, strict action will be taken. Recently the driving licenses of five drivers have been suspended. This unique incarnation of Yamraj and Chitragupta was not just an awareness campaign, but an effort to touch the hearts of the people. Through humor and satire, the police showed how important it is for life to follow the rules. This innovative effort of Khairagarh Police was not only fun but also inspiring. This message of “Safe People, Safe Transport” is now on everyone’s lips. This unique form of Yamraj and Chitragupta, along with creating awareness, also gave people an opportunity to laugh and think.
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