Nitin Namdev, Raipur. Congress is protesting against the police not being able to reach the accused till now in the case of semi-nude body of a girl found four days ago in Kamal Vihar. Under the leadership of former MLA Vikas Upadhyay, Congress workers Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla are pleading for justice in front of the university gate, holding the photo of the girl in their hands. Also read: CG Crime News: Message came on husband’s mobile at midnight, wife reached police station.
Let us tell you that four days ago a semi-nude dead body of a girl was found in Kamal Vihar Sector-1 area of Tikrapara police station area. Considering the situation, there was suspicion of rape followed by murder. Not only this, prima facie the police had believed that the girl was thrown in Kamal Vihar with the intention of killing her somewhere else and misleading her.