Balrampur/Raipur. Angered by the drink and drive action, BJP District Vice President Ajit Singh and his supporters created a ruckus in front of the police station, threatening the police. After the video of the incident went viral, Congress targeted BJP and called it ‘arrogance of power’, while BJP has said that it will take cognizance of this incident. Also Read: Power Center: Attendance… Netflix… Lock… Accident… Litmus Test… Lage Raho Munnabhai… – Ashish Tiwari
In fact, last night the Balrampur Kotwali Police was conducting an intensive investigation of those driving under the influence of alcohol. Angered by the police action, the district vice president of BJP along with his supporters was seen threatening the police station in-charge on the spot. Not only this, they lay down on the road in protest against the police action. The video of this entire incident quickly went viral on social media.
In this case, Kotwali in-charge Bhapendra Sahu told that the incident took place around 12 in the night on the 10th. During an action in Kotwali area on the instructions of higher officials regarding drink and drive, a young man resident of Kusmi was caught driving under the influence of alcohol. After this, Ajit Singh reached the spot with his supporters and started asking for the youth to be released.
Kotwali in-charge said that Ajit Singh was informed about the situation, but Ajit Singh and his supporters created a situation of controversy. However, the Kotwali police has taken action against the said youth in the case of driving under the influence of alcohol. Along with this, the police has also taken restrictive action against about eight people.
Congress targeted through social media
Taking the incident seriously, the Congress has written on the social media platform Publicly threatened the police station in-charge – Leave the people driving under the influence immediately, otherwise they will move your chair in two days.
Making a strong comment along with this, he wrote, ‘This is the arrogance of power, which is bent on bending even the law at its feet! It is these methods of BJP that expose their reality before the public.
BJP took cognizance
After raising the issue of local uproar and Congress, now BJP has taken cognizance of the incident. Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao said in a discussion with the media that this is being considered.
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