Nitin Namdev, Raipur. BJP will run Constitution Pride campaign in Chhattisgarh. Regarding this, BJP national spokesperson Guru Prakash Paswan, former leader of opposition Narayan Chandel, BJP leader Naveen Markandey and other BJP leaders held a press conference. Paswan, Chhattisgarh in-charge of Constitution Pride Campaign, said, Congress people consider the Constitution as their contract. Congress never respected Baba Saheb Ambedkar. BJP and Narendra Modi government have always worked to honor him and his memories.
He said, the Constitution Pride campaign will continue till January 26. During this time Baba Saheb will go to the people regarding Ambedkar’s work and his words. We will also tell people about Congress’s attitude of spreading confusion.
BJP leaders said, Rahul Gandhi had said during his recent US visit that he would ‘remove reservation.’ This is the same tune which Rahul Gandhi’s family has been singing since the Nehru era. The Congress Party ruled the country for 57 years, but during this time it misused constitutional processes to pursue its political objectives and neglected social objectives. Congress never showed the political will to implement the fundamental reservation principles of the Constitution in true spirit and form.