September 23, 2024

The World Opinion

Your Global Perspective

18 new dengue positive patients found after testing 111 samples

18 new dengue positive patients were found after testing 111 samples. Symbolic picture.


Out of 18, 13 positive patients are from Murar area, six from other districts. Dengue is not slowing down, a young man also lost his life. Most of the infected are children, their number has exceeded 200.

Naiduniya representative, Gwalior. The process of finding dengue positive patients is continuing. On Sunday, 18 new patients have been confirmed in the examination of 111 samples received from the lab of GRMC and District Hospital. Along with this, six are from other districts. Information about these patients has been given to the concerned CMHO office. The health and municipal corporation teams are claiming to prevent dengue, but the pace of dengue is not decreasing. Now dengue has even taken the life of a young man.

Along with this, other patients are admitted in various hospitals. So far, a total of 545 positive cases have been found in dengue tests of 8,431 patients. One of them has died. The health department is claiming to have destroyed larvae in 12,734 houses by surveying 4,7,571 houses, but there has been no decrease in the number of patients so far. Most of the infected are children. Their number has exceeded 200.

Fogging is not happening between 6:30 and 8 in the morning

The Municipal Corporation neither knows the method of fogging nor does it have the appropriate time for it. The most appropriate time for prevention of dengue is between 6:30 and 8 in the morning, but fogging is not being done anywhere at this time. It is said that the speed of the vehicle should not exceed 20 km per hour during fogging, but this is not being done.

Instructions issued to schools after more children test positive

As children are found to be the most infected among dengue patients, the Chief Medical and Health Officer has issued instructions to government and private schools to ask children to come to school wearing full pants and shirts so that they can be protected. He has also appealed to parents to make children wear full clothes because the dengue mosquito bites during the day and cannot fly to a high altitude.