September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

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Morena Hospital: Is this a hospital or a waiting room… Government doctors do not come even after a long wait, helpless patients return with pain

The patients admitted in the ward kept waiting for the doctors to arrive.


Lack of doctors in Ambah Civil Hospital. Problems in OPD due to retirement of doctors. Lack of doctors, patients return without treatment.

Naiduniya representative, Ambah-Morena. The system of Ambah Civil Hospital is going haywire. After the retirement of two doctors, neither doctors were found in OPD nor treatment was available in emergency ward. Due to this many patients returned without getting treatment and were forced to go to private clinics. No doctor came even to check the pulse of admitted patients.

The BMO says that a report has been sent to the CMHO for action against the absent doctors. This situation was seen in Ambah Civil Hospital on Friday, when only one doctor was found in the OPD of the hospital. In the afternoon, BMO Dr. Pramod Sharma himself sat in the OPD, but by then many patients had returned without getting treatment.

Recently 2 doctors retired

Two doctors of Ambah Hospital have retired recently, these include Dr. GC Arya and Dr. Deepak Silawat. Even after the retirement of two doctors, there are four doctors posted in Ambah Hospital, out of which two, Dr. PP Sharma and Dr. Pradeep Kapasiya, took leave on Friday. After this, the entire system of the hospital collapsed.

Doctor Satish Yadav came to the OPD on Friday, but there was a huge crowd of patients, due to which many people did not get treatment. After noon, BMO Dr. Pradeep Sharma himself sat in the OPD, but the emergency ward remained empty. The checkup of the patients admitted in the hospital was to be done before 12 noon, that too did not happen on Friday, due to which the patients and their relatives got upset and kept making rounds of the doctors’ chambers. It has been told that Dr. Pradeep Kapasiya was on duty in the emergency ward from 2 PM, but he too did not come to the hospital after noon.

Conditions worsened instead of improving

The health services of Ambah Hospital have been in a bad state for a long time. After complaints of doctors not coming to the hospital regularly and on time and even taking money from pregnant women, CMHO Dr. Padmesh Upadhyay had conducted a surprise inspection of Civil Hospital Ambah on Wednesday, but after the inspection of CMHO, the situation has worsened instead of improving.

During the inspection, the BMO of Civil Hospital Ambah had also talked about the shortage of doctors in front of CMHO Dr. Padmesh Upadhyay, after which the CMHO had put two doctors of Khariyahar Hospital on duty in Ambah Hospital. Earlier also, two doctors of Khariyahar were put on duty in Ambah Hospital, but they did not come to Ambah Hospital to provide services. These two doctors did not come to Ambah since Friday, and some of the doctors who were already there also remained missing without any information.

Dr. PP Sharma and Dr. Pradeep Kapasiya were absent without informing, so I had to sit in the OPD myself. A report has been sent to the CMHO against both of them. Two doctors of Khadiyahar Hospital were on duty earlier also, but they did not come to Ambah Hospital even then. – Dr. Pradeep Sharma, BMO, Ambah Hospital