September 19, 2024

The World Opinion

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Tyunthar SDM threatens lawyer in Rewa, says- this is my court, I will teach you the law in two minutes

SDM Satyendra Jain speaking outside the court.


SDM’s video widely circulated on internet media. The incident is of July 19, the video has come to light now. Advocate Rajendra Gautam said- SDM used abusive language.

Naiduniya, Rewa (Rewa News). The video of Tyonthar SDM going viral on internet media in Rewa, MP has created a ruckus. In the video, he is seen threatening that this is his and he will teach him the law within 2 minutes. There was a heated argument between SDM Satyendra Jain and advocate Rajendra Gautam in the court. The SDM shouted at the advocate and said, I will set you right, this is my court, I will teach you in two minutes.

accused of giving decision in favor of one side

The incident is of July 19, its video has come out now. The advocate has complained to the collector. On the other hand, the SDM has accused the advocate of brokerage and pressuring him to give a decision in his favour. The SDM gave the next date in the revenue case, there was a debate on this matter.

The whole matter is related to a revenue dispute

The whole matter is related to a revenue dispute. Pawan Kumar Pandey and Jitendra Kumar Pandey had appealed in the SDM court regarding the land issue, in which they said, our joint account land has been wrongly transferred to Anandkali and others through collusion. In the appeal, the order of the Tehsildar was challenged in the SDM court.

The lawyer said that he does not have time every day

After hearing the matter, the SDM gave the next date. The advocate said that he did not have time every day, on which the SDM expressed his displeasure. After this, a heated argument took place between the SDM and the advocate.

SDM said- I was pressured to do wrong

SDM Satyendra Jain while talking to Naiduniya on phone said that the lawyer started shouting. He was misbehaving with me inside the SDM court. In protest against this I showed him the mirror. The lawyer was continuously pressurizing me to give a decision in favor of his client.

My video was made as part of a conspiracy

SDM Satyendra Jain said- When I did not agree to decide in their favour, they provoked me. Then they made a video of me as part of a conspiracy. These people had also done brokerage in caste certificates, which stopped after my arrival. Therefore, a conspiracy has been hatched to defame me.

Advocate Rajendra Gautam said- SDM used indecent language

Advocate Rajendra Gautam said that the SDM has abused his position and humiliated me in front of everyone. No matter how high a position someone holds, he does not have the right to shout like this. The way he threatened in front of everyone can be clearly seen and heard in the video. Action should be taken in the matter so that a strong message reaches other officials. I have also filed a written complaint about the entire matter.

A complaint has been received by the Advocates Association, on which the SDM’s opinion has been sought. Advocates have also been called. A decision will be taken after hearing both the parties.

Pratibha Pal, Collector Rewa.