September 20, 2024

The World Opinion

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The number of tourists increased due to the decrease in Naxal activities in Bastar, record-breaking earnings from tourism, more than 5 lakh tourists visited the forest region

Jagdalpur. As the Naxalite incidents in Bastar have reduced, the tourists have started paying attention to Bastar. Its effect was also seen on this year’s tourism. In the last 5 years, more than 5 lakh tourists have reached Bastar. In the district headquarters, they visited Tirathgarh, Chitrakoot as well as Kanger National Park. There are 2 lakh 19 thousand 959 tourists who have visited Kanger National Park alone. Tourism is growing rapidly due to the increasing activities of eco tourism here.

Kaya King and Bamboo Rafting Facility

Actually, Kanger Valley National Park is becoming a special choice of tourists these days. In the last 5 years, the highest number of tourists, around 2 lakh 20 thousand, reached Kanger National Park. Kanger National Park has earned an income of 1 crore 17 lakh 24 thousand 245 rupees only due to tourists. This is a record income so far. Kanger National Park has places like Kaya King, Kutumsar Cave, Tirathgarh Waterfall, Kanger Dhara, Shivganga and Kailash Cave, which a large number of tourists are visiting. Kaya King and bamboo rafting are also available here for tourists, due to which tourists stay here and spend their time.

Providing employment to local people

These are the figures of Kanger National Park and if the number of tourists visiting Chitrakoot and other areas of Bastar is added, then this number is more than 5 lakhs. In the last 5 years, Naxalite incidents have reduced in Bastar and due to this, the movement of tourists has increased continuously. Among these, the number of local tourists is the highest, who are providing employment to the local people by visiting the tourist centers. In the last few years, work has been started in the direction of tourism and soon a glass bridge is also to be built in Tirathgarh and Chitrakoot, due to which tourism activities may increase here in the coming days.