September 19, 2024

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Gariaband News: Pregnant women at high risk in Gariaband… CMHO launched campaign

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Gariaband News: Purushottam character. Due to neglect of Safe Motherhood Scheme, the figures of pregnant mothers reaching high risk zone in the district were shocking. According to a data released in March, out of 13408 pregnant women registered in the year 2023-24, 1630 i.e. 12 percent pregnant women are in high risk zone, out of which hemoglobin of 299 is less than 7 points, whereas at such time it should be more than 10 points. . The same figure was less than 10 percent in the financial year 2022-23, while the number of women with low hemoglobin was also 272. In order to reduce these figures in the new financial year, the new woman CMHO Dr. Gargi Yadu has started a campaign and is trying to find out the reason first.

Those who did not eat iron calcium are at high risk

CMHO Dr. Gargi is a gynecologist and has started taking full advantage of his experience in improving the maternity protection scheme. Doctor Gargi first visited Chhura and then Mainpur CHC on two different days. The registered mother, her family members, female nurse and Mitanin were called for discussion in the CHC. First talked to high risk pregnant women. CMHO said that during counselling, it was revealed that women who are not taking essential medicines like iron calcium regularly are facing problems. After talking to the elderly members of his family, it was found that most of the people were not taking the medicines provided free of cost from the hospital on regular basis due to conservative tradition. Mitanin, who is taking care at the ground level, is also saying that even after contacting her repeatedly for examination, check up and taking medicines, pregnant women are being ignored. CMHO said that at present Mitanin and his family members have been counseled. In the coming time, we will take appropriate steps to create awareness by taking guidance from the government.

Neglect of Women and Child Development Department is also a reason

Regular distribution of supplementary food to pregnant mothers is not taking place in the interior rural areas. District officers are not doing regular monitoring. In the most affected blocks Mainpur and Devbhog, there are no block level officers for many years. The food supply of the schemes is being done on the basis of the monitoring of the super-visor. The reason for this has not been confirmed by the health officer, but the existing incomplete setup of the Women and Child Development Department and the information collected from Mitanino revealed that the department is only fulfilling the food supply of many schemes. It is fulfilling the need to distribute nutritious food items to pregnant mothers through groups, which is not available to every pregnant beneficiary.

Take special care of these things during pregnancy

Dr. Gargi Yadu says that it is necessary for a pregnant woman to undergo sonography at least three times, the facility for this was not available in the CHC, arrangements for which are also being made soon. Through this test, the baby’s growth and other problems are detected in time. In rural areas, it was also found that short interval between pregnancies, delay in knowing about pregnancy and not using essential medicines like folic acid in the meantime lead to reaching the high risk zone. Due to this, premature birth and immaturity of the child after birth have a bad effect on the health of the child. It has been seen that apart from the mother, the health of 10 to 15 percent of the babies born at high risk has been adversely affected. This is only due to evil habits and ignorance, and a massive campaign will be launched to remove it.